Today I did a series of tasks
- Register in My Twinspaces
- Edit your profile( short description and select a picture or an avatar)
- Check the padlet (virtual wall)↠Embed it in the twinspace
- Create a poster (infographic) with your
- picture.
- avatar (avatarmaker)
- short description
- Name,age...
- Etwinning logo
- CIPFP logo
- A free imagine.
Hi! My name is Almudena. I've 20 years old and I'm from Valencia, Spain.I studing Health Information Technician.I love so much the korean and japanese culture, listening to muic and reading books.
- to work as...
- to learn from etwinneis
- Positive adjectives:
- Great
- Stunning
- Awesome
- Beautiful
- Nice
- Lovely
- Glad
- Positive
- Health
- Nursery auxiliary
- Emergency medical technician
- Pathologic anatomy
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